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.....* Published

Our 4th book : Dentelles Normandes - Honfleur et Vire
livre Honfleur et Vire
In this beautiful book, the story and technical of Honfleur and Vire laces, with a lot of pattens to make it. We have an English translation of the French text.
160 pages - 160 photos - Format 17 X 25 - Editions Ch Corlet Price : 30 euros + Post charge

Another beautiful new book : POINT GROUND LACE
livre Européen
Historical write in SIX langages : English - French - German - Italian - Sloven - Spanish.
In this book, the story and technical of laces of these 5 countries (except England), with pattens to make the different laces.
160 pages - A lot of photos - Format 21 X 30 : Price : 20 euros + Post charge

Dentelles Normandes - La Blonde de Caen: Norman laces, during 3 centuries, you were the principale industry of our country. - 13ko  L A MANTE EN BAYEUX - A love story were you can find the authentic Bayeux lace story. Just in French - Sorry!  - 14ko
  • L'A MANTE EN BAYEUX - A love story where you can find the authentic Bayeux lace story. Only in French - Sorry!
    by Claudette and Michel Bouvot
    The Norman lace story, illustrated with a lot of very beautiful photographs -
    by Claudette and Michel Bouvot

    We have an English version for the book, -Dentelles Normandes-

    livre polychrome de Courseulles
    Our book : Polychrome de Courseulles...(OUT OF PRINT !) Information : E-mail : WRITE ME THERE tHANKS.

    3 books of patterns by Françoise Monneret:

    La dentelle du Queyras  La dentelle de Maurienne  La dentelle de Tignes

  • PATTERNS : We also have a lot of beautiful patterns home made by Claudette to make blonde laces, polychrome laces of Courseulles, and antique laces of Caen (like Danish lace).


    Click here to see Les rendez-vous de la dentelle.

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